Apply for a job as distributor Please fill out the form to start your journey as a distributor at SAMDI Apply for job Job type *Under 18Over 18Area *AreaHerningSilkeborgSkiveFirst name *Last Name *Email *PhoneBirthdayAddress *City *Postal code *Parent nameParent phoneParent consent *My parents have approved that I am applying for the position as a distributor and I am aware that I must be 13 years old to become a distributor.Do you have a drivers licens?YesNoCan you use your own car for the job?YesNoConsent *When I submit my application, I give my consent for SAMDI to keep the information that I have provided in the application form for 1 year. The purpose is that SAMDI can contact me when there is a free route in the area that I have specified. I also agree that my information may be passed on to a partner of SAMDI, if this is the person responsible for the distribution where I live. You can revoke your consent at any time. The recall can be made by email to [email protected] You can get more information about our processing of your personal information by reading our privacy policy.Apply